O Sistema Integrado de Observação dos Oceanos
dos Estados Unidos acaba de lançar um novo catálogo
seus produtos e serviços.
Veja abaixo:
*IOOS Announces the Release of a New Catalog:*I am pleased to
announce thelatest version of the IOOS Catalog is now available
at catalog.ioos.us <http://catalog.ioos.us>. This version provides
a landing page for users to explore the national and regional
observing assets, models, and data services. IOOS is seen as a
model by many agencies as a data management success story
– a number of US and international agencies now look to the
IOOS DMAC standards and implementation as a blueprint on how
disparate data providers can share data using open standards.
The Catalog provides the ability to discover distributed data services,
datasets, and assets. Currently, the Catalog indexes hundreds
of terabytes of data spread across over 4000 data access services
that are available to anyone with an internet connection. It also
provides basic service monitoring and can be used as a tool for
improving the service metadata. The Catalog will be used for
on-going DMAC system improvement, e.g. identifying datasets
with poor or incomplete metadata, or non-compliant web services.
Finally, it is a landing page that connects to each Regional
Association’s data portal and can be used to visualize the vast
amount of data and services available from the federated system
and highlight the value of IOOS Regional Associations and Federal
Partners.We need your feedback! You may provide feedback through
the “help” page in the upper right corner of the navigation bar, or by
going to
Fonte: Direção do IO/FURG