sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013


Scripps Archives contains a rich archival and special collection documenting over one-hundred years of oceanographic, earth, & climate research at Scripps, & more generally on the history of oceanography. Scripps Archives’ collections are used by historians, scientists, graduate students, media, & Scripps itself. Scripps Archives holds 1,360 collections, which are personal papers of scientists, or office records/files from scientific & administrative programs, ranging from single items received to very large collections, including still images, audio, moving images, autobiographical works, & oral histories. In addition to producing online guides to its collections, Scripps Archives digitizes content in various formats from its collections in order to improve user access & provide a rich online resource in support of the history of Scripps, oceanography, & climate science.

Peter Brueggeman, curator, email

MANUSCRIPT & ARCHIVAL COLLECTIONS: personal files, office records, and collected items relating to the history of Scripps and to the history of oceanography
ACCESSION REGISTER (LIST) OF OUR COLLECTIONS : our collections range from single items to large boxed collections of personal papers or office/project records.   Here's this Register List in a spreadsheet version.  

GUIDES TO SELECTED COLLECTIONS : these guides are comprised of the headings for file folders or similar arrangements in which scientists' personal papers and Scripps office/project records are filed... just like the original filing cabinets and office files we received. By reading through such a list, you can determine whether collection(s) may contain materials of interest clued by pertinent file folder heading(s). You would then request to see various box(es) and folder(s) in order to review their contents in person.

Search folder heading word(s) or phrases across these selected collections (via Google Advanced Search). Your search results will not be 100% reliable. A search won't find every occurrence of a word or phrase, and zero results do not mean the word/phrase did not occur in some folder list(s). Scanned printed folder lists won't be character/word perfect, so text searching is imperfect.

IMAGES / PHOTOGRAPHS of people, ships, oceanographic instruments, buildings, metings, events, expeditions, marine environments & specimens associated with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, etc. There's tens of thousands more images in-house -- we haven't scanned everything.

Panorama Collection : zoom in and out, and pan around on two old panorama photos of the SIO campus and on imagery of a few deep sea organisms in SIO collections.

MEDIA: films, tapes, audio, interviews, scientific and news conferences, oral histories, etc.

Media List : a selected list of our moving images (listed first) and audio items (following). This is not a complete list... we have more media items located within archival collections.

Films or Clips from selected titles: TAKE A LOOK !

Audio or Clips from selected titles: HAVE A LISTEN !

HISTORIES on Scripps and its scientific endeavors

ORAL HISTORIES of scientists and personnel on Scripps, their careers and research

BIOGRAPHIES, AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, MEMOIRS by or about Scripps scientists and personnel

SIO ANNUAL REPORTS & OTHER PROGRESS REPORTS on the work and actitivities of Scripps Institution

SIO PERSONNEL DIRECTORIES published in years past, including photo directories

SIO BIBLIOGRAPHIES of publications by scientists, programs, or on the history of Scripps

SIO PUBLICATIONS: books, reports and serials published by Scripps

HISTORY OF OCEANOGRAPHY & EARTH SCIENCES resources, including photo libraries, books and texts, institutional histories, bibliographies.

OCEAN CHARTS of the world's ocean areas, including earlier 20th century charts

Search word(s) or phrases across text content on Scripps Archives website (via Google Advanced Search). Your search results will not be 100% reliable. A search won't find every occurrence of a word or phrase, and zero results do not mean the word/phrase did not occur in text somewhere. Scanned printed texts won't be character/word perfect, so text searching is imperfect.

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