It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate
in the
“First European Marine Observation and Data Network
(EMODnet) Open
Conference” on Tuesday 20 October 2015 (De Grote Post,
Oostende). Please
do not hesitate to forward this invitation to any of your
colleagues who
may be interested.
The Conference is free to attend but registration is
necessary (before
1 July 2015) at
Midway into the second EMODnet development phase
(2013-2016), it is
timely to consider the progress made since the inception of
EMODnet in
2009, learn from past experiences and make plans for the
third and final
development phase (2015-2020) – and beyond. The EMODnet Open
provides a unique forum for the marine observation and data
policy makers/advisors and stakeholders from various sectors
societal domains to meet, discuss and respond to the many
challenges and
opportunities that lie ahead.
The Conference offers an important opportunity to showcase
the wealth of
marine data and information already available at European
level through
EMODnet and to listen to the needs and advice of key users
industry, policy, science and civil society. The Conference
aims to
reinforce the foundations and consider avenues for the
development of an open, user-friendly and fit-for-purpose
marine data infrastructure. A fully operational EMODnet
corresponding to
user requirements will reduce costs for offshore operators,
innovation and blue growth, improve our knowledge of the
environment and support effective marine management and
maritime policy
The Conference will entail: high-level presentations and
showcases, interventions from stakeholders, user testimonies
and plenary
discussions to stress the importance of marine observations
and data for
a wide range of users and to illustrate how EMODnet can and
contribute to economic recovery, job creation and blue-green
The EMODnet Open Conference is //organised by the European
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG
MARE), the
EMODnet Secretariat and local host Flanders Marine Institute
(VLIZ) with
kind support of all EMODnet project Coordinators.
Preliminary Programme
Start 09:00
Welcome Statements
Welcome and opening
statement (Bart Tommelein, State Secretary of
the Sea, BE)
EMODnet as central
driver of Marine Knowledge (Lowri Evans, DG MARE
- TBC)
Opening Session
Overview of
EMODnet portals and state of play (EMODnet Secretariat
and thematic portal coordinators)
EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoints:
assessing observation capacity and
data adequacy for
users at the regional sea-basin level: status and
future prospects
(EMODnet Checkpoint representative)
Session 2 - EMODnet showcases, user testimonies and
Perspectives from stakeholders on
requirements for environmental
monitoring and
reporting, industrial applications, scientific
research and civil
Testimonies from key
user communities
Interventions from
the public & discussion
Lunch from 12:30 to 13:30
Session 3 - Guided discussions on future priorities and
Closing Session
Panel discussion
and conclusions from the Conference
Closing statement
from Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment,
Maritime Affairs
and Fisheries (TBC)
Reception and
buffet dinner 18:00
The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)
EMODnet is a network of organisations working together to
observe the
sea, to make marine data freely available and interoperable,
to create
seamless data layers across sea-basins and to distribute the
data and
data products through the internet. The primary aim of
EMODnet is to
unlock already existing but fragmented and hidden marine
data and make
them accessible for a wide range of users including private
public authorities and researchers.
Currently, seven thematic assembly groups have been created
to develop
thematic web-portals covering data resources from diverse
including: hydrography, geology, physics, chemistry,
biology, physical
habitats and human activities. Many of these thematic
portals are
already operational. In addition, six sea-basin checkpoints
established to assess the observation capacity and adequacy
of marine
data available at regional sea-basin level. To strengthen
the coherence
and functionality for users, a common ‘EMODnet Entry Portal’
provides a
single entry point delivering access to data, metadata and
data products
EMODnet receives support from the European Commission
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries(DG
MARE) as a
central component of its Marine Knowledge 2020 initiative
and unlock the
wealth of marine observations and data which is currently
scattered in
various national and regional databases around Europe. Read
more about
the Marine Knowledge 2020 initiative at the DG MARE website
The First EMODnet Open Conference
EMODnet has evolved considerably since its inception in
2009. Advancing
well into the second development phase (2013-2016) it is
moving towards
full operational stage with coverage of all European
sea-basins and
making available higher resolution data layers. Consortia
have grown
both in size and geographic coverage and EMODnet now
includes more than
110 partner organisations. Increasingly, stakeholders are
also becoming
involved in the development of EMODnet tools and services.
As we
approach the end of phase II and move to the final EMODnet
phase, it is therefore timely to take stock of the progress
made to
date, to learn from past achievements, to exchange best
between the thematic and regional projects and to make plans
for the
future. In phase III (2015-2020) partners will work towards
providing a
seamless, multi-resolution, digital map of the entire seabed
of European
waters. Providing highest resolution possible in areas that
have been
surveyed the map will include topography, geology, habitats
ecosystems; accompanied by timely information on physical,
chemical and
biological state of the overlying water column as well as
More information about EMODnet in general can be found on
For more information about the Conference and regular
updates see
For more information about the Conference contact
For more information about EMODnet and its activities
contact the
EMODnet Secretariat via
Fonte: Prof. Dr. José Henrique Muelber, Diretor do Io/Furg