quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

1st Brazilian Ocean Acidification Research Workshop - Call for abstracts

Dear colleagues,

This is the first announcement and call for abstracts for the
*/1^stBrazilian Ocean Acidification Research Workshop/* that 
will be heldjointly with the /Third International Symposium on
the Effects ofClimate Change on the World’s Oceans/ in 
Santos, Brazil, 23^rd -27^thMarch 2015. The workshop will
occur prior to the symposium, 21^st -22^ndMarch 2015.

The workshop will evaluate the progress and direct the 
actions in thenear future of the Brazilian Ocean 
Acidification Research Group (BrOA;
colleagues tosubmit your studies and/or intentions of work
on ocean acidificationissues. It will also provide the 
opportunity to integrate BrOA activities with international
ocean acidification programs and networksfrom several regions
of the world. The workshop will combine invited andselected
talks, along with breakout group discussion corresponding to
the main BrOA network topics: (i) marine biogeochemistry 
(coastal andopen ocean areas); (ii) response of marine organisms
to oceanacidification effects (bio-assays); (iii) paleoceanography
and proxiesof past ocean acidification events and carbonate system;
(iv)biogeochemistry and ecosystem modeling; and (v) physical and
biogeochemical processes controlling sea-air CO_2 fluxes.

Conference program, key dates and registration are available at the
conference web site:
Abstracts submission should be done until *31^st October 2014*.
Please feel free to distribute the announcement to colleagues
you find relevant.
Best regards,
Rodrigo, Leticia and Ruy (Convenors)

Fonte: Direção IO/FURG

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